Should I outsource my HR?

Should I outsource my HR and how much will it cost?

Human Resources are simultaneously one of the most important and one of the most overlooked functions within every business. In the early days of business, chances are that someone in the team did all the hiring, employment contracts and holiday booking as well as their day-job, but as your business grows, as do your responsibilities and managing your own HR can become a logistical nightmare.

But do I actually need a HR Manager?

We’ll answer that. To put it plainly, if you have humans working in your business, (and we’re willing to bet that you do), you have a need for human resource management. But do you need someone full-time and in-house? No, not necessarily.

The HR Consultants - SMEs

Hiring a full-time HR Manager, Partner or Consultant doesn’t come cheap, so for blossoming SMEs and businesses, outsourcing your HR is the best solution. Even if you already have someone that handles your HR, outsourcing specific tasks and projects can really help your business bloom.

When you outsource your HR, you are benefiting from greater experience, wider knowledge and, perhaps most crucially of all; fewer headaches. When outsourcing your HR, you claim back time and headspace to focus on key strategic initiatives, dedicating yourself to working on growing the business, not fighting fires within it.

A huge benefit of outsourcing your HR is that you always have on-demand access to a pool of talent who can keep you abreast of the latest changes in law and services. The ever-developing nature of employment law means that it is critical to be kept compliant at all times to minimise business risk, and outsourcing your HR ensures you always have a fully qualified professional in your corner, keeping you up to date. When you outsource to The HR Consultants, you benefit from the expertise of a team of seasoned HR professionals who have already overcome every legal and procedural hurdle thrown their way.

Perhaps the biggest blocker for choosing to outsource is wanting someone to know your business intimately; a sentiment any business owner shares. At The HR Consultants, we spend time getting to know your business inside out and serve as an extension of your team, not an alternative to it. The second biggest blocker? You guessed it, price.

How much does it cost to outsource HR?

Many people assume that outsourcing means you’ll incur bigger fees, but this isn’t always true. In fact, you can often save a substantial amount in overhead costs and save money through the flexibility outsourcing offers, allowing you to expand or reduce your costs depending on your requirements.

At The HR Consultants, we offer a range of support packages to suit your specific needs so you’ll never be paying for a service you don’t really need or want. We believe in complete transparency when it comes to pricing, and have broken down all of our services and how much they cost below.

Our retained services

We offer a range of retained service packages depending on your individual requirements.

Got someone handling HR admin but think they may need a bit of support in terms of day-to-day advice? Our Essential Package is perfect for you. Maybe you want someone to handle all of your people documentation, build your Employee Handbook, policies and have an HR and holiday booking system? Our Complete Package will cover that. For those that want total HR support, the Premium Package contains everything you need, with redundancy and grievance management as well as an annual people plan. You can find the full breakdown of services contained within each package on our website.

The prices for retainer packages are dependent on your headcount. For smaller businesses with fewer than 11 people our support packages start at just £246 per month. And we don’t lock you into a lengthy contract; if for whatever reason you no longer require outsourced HR support, just give us a month’s notice; that means complete flexibility for your business.

So, have we dispelled the myth that outsourcing is more expensive, more stressful, and less beneficial than hiring in-house? We sure hope so. The above-mentioned pros are only a small selection of some of the many benefits of human resource outsourcing. Whether you are a small-sized or medium-sized organization that needs to save a bit of money or are ready to take your business to the next level, outsourcing human resource services can be one of the most advantageous moves in your business.

So, have we dispelled the myth that outsourcing is more expensive, more stressful, and less beneficial than hiring in-house? We sure hope so. The above-mentioned pros are only a small selection of some of the many benefits of human resource outsourcing. Whether you are a small-sized or medium-sized organization that needs to save a bit of money or are ready to take your business to the next level, outsourcing human resource services can be one of the most advantageous moves in your business.

Here at The HR Consultants, we work with businesses of all shapes and sizes. Want to discuss how we can help your business? We’d love to chat! Get in touch with us to see how we can help.