What are the different types of HR outsourcing?

With growing a business comes responsibility for a fair bit of HR administration, and the need for HR expertise. After all, the people in your business are your business and taking good care of them is key to your company’s success. But how do you do that as a busy MD without the relevant experience and spare time?

What are the different types of HR outsourcing?

There are a few different ways in which you can source HR support for your company, so before we bang on about the benefits of working with an HR Consultant, let’s take a look at the other options available to you….

Related Article: What Is HR Outsourcing

Hiring your own HR Manager

Ok so not so much outsourcing as in-house-ing. Well, this option absolutely makes sense for larger companies and can feel like a definite quick win for smaller companies too. However, getting the level of support you need within your budget may be a challenge.

You may need a ‘doer’ as well as a strategic leader and hiring both can be a stretch financially; therefore you lean towards one but end up with a gap in the other area… leaving the problem only half solved.

Sign up for the ‘well-knowns’!

We are not too shy to admit, these guys have an attractive offer. They are cheap and tick the ‘Support’ box at speed.

The catch here with call centre-style support is that they don’t get to know you! Or that all-important piece of why your business exists, and what drives your culture. This kind of HR support setup often uses a system where calls are automatically timed, leaving your conversation feeling rushed, meaningless and very transactional. When multiple calls are needed on the same issue, you may find you can’t speak to the same person each time you call.

When looking at this option, make sure to check contract terms carefully, as those attractive leading prices can lock you into a five-year term.

Drum roll….

So why use an HR consultancy?

HR skills and expertise

HR consultants have the skills and expertise to take care of all your ‘people’ needs, saving you money and freeing you up to focus on crucial business functions. And we’re not just talking paperwork and payroll here. An HR consultant can help you build a happy team of hard-working, high-performing people that will drive your business forward and be dedicated to its success.

And why use The HR Consultants?

We get to know you!

Unlimited time to really deep dive into understanding how you work and who’s who in the team. Nothing timed here!

Your consultant is yours – They will be your point of contact every time you call or email and will be dedicated to your company just as they would be if you employed them, with the added benefit that they can dip into the expertise within our wider team of consultants if needed. We make sure their workload is managed and that you’ll win back time as well as peace of mind.

The beauty of HR consultancy is its flexibility. Businesses can opt for retained, ad-hoc or project-based services depending on the level and frequency of support required. Take a look at our services, and if you aren’t sure exactly which level of HR support you need or would like a quote, give us a call.

To wrap up…

There is no question that HR consultancy is a smart investment for your company. Outsourcing HR services increases efficiency, reduces risk and ensures that your people are in the very best hands. And because the price of HR consultancy is relative to your business needs, usage and size, it is accessible and affordable for all.

If you’d like to talk more about how outsourcing HR support can make a difference in your business, give us a call.