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HR Services For Small Businesses

The Business Owner’s Guide to Avoiding Underperformer Stress


Businesses thrive on the dedication and talent of their employees. But what happens when someone isn’t pulling their weight? Underperforming staff can create a wave of stress, impacting the morale of colleagues across the business, […]

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Employment Law

What is Constructive Dismissal? How to Avoid a Claim and What to Do About It.


Constructive dismissal can be a costly and stressful experience for any UK employer. But what exactly is it, and how can you prevent it from happening? Understanding Constructive Dismissal In simple terms, constructive dismissal occurs […]

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Happy Team

How to create a high performing hybrid team.


White collar workers are working at the office. They are stay together and meeting. Employee and teamwork concept.[/caption]Ever since a small event called ‘Lock Down’ happened in 2020 across the world, almost all organisations that […]

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How to Build an Effective HR Strategy for the 2024 Workplace


You might be a member of a huge HR or human resources department or be in a small business building an HR team. Whatever the size of your company, The HR Consultants can help. Our […]

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Why invest in Training & Development


Training and development is a term that’s thrown around organisations by managers, employees and HR, especially around the annual performance review and appraisal time. But what are we actually referring to when we talk about […]

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I think I should be doing employee appraisals, but I don’t know where to start.


Considering employee appraisals is a great step to take to enhance your role as a manager. While the idea of conducting performance evaluations might seem a bit overwhelming, it’s a valuable opportunity to provide feedback, […]

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