Someone in my team is on long term sick, what can I do?

In every workplace, unforeseen circumstances can arise, leading to team members needing to take extended periods of sick leave. As a caring and responsible manager, it’s important to know how to support someone in your team who is on long-term sick leave. This blog aims to provide you with practical insights and tips on how to navigate this challenging situation.

Legal and HR Considerations:
Familiarise yourself with your company’s policies and procedures regarding sick leave and return to work. If necessary, seek HR advice to ensure that all legal and administrative aspects are handled appropriately.

Stay Connected
When a team member is on long-term sick leave, it’s easy for them to feel isolated and disconnected from the team. Reach out to them regularly, whether through phone calls, emails, or virtual meetings, to show your concern and keep them updated on any developments at work. Keep them in the loop about team happenings, projects, and changes. However, be mindful of the frequency and content of your communications, ensuring that you don’t overwhelm them while still making them feel valued and included.

Show Empathy
Remember that their health and well-being are the top priority. Express your understanding and empathy for their situation. Let them know that you genuinely care about their recovery and that their role within the team is being looked after. Encourage your team to send well wishes or small gestures that show they’re thinking of their absent colleague. This not only lifts the spirits of the person on leave but also reinforces a positive and caring team culture.

Respect Their Privacy
While it’s important to stay connected, be sensitive to their privacy. Don’t press for detailed medical information unless they choose to share it. Respect their boundaries and let them decide how much they’re comfortable discussing.

Offer Practical Support
Ask if there’s anything you can do to make their absence more manageable. Whether it’s assigning temporary responsibilities, extending deadlines, or providing access to necessary resources, your support can make a big difference. Share resources related to their health condition or coping strategies. This can be anything from articles, online support groups, to wellness apps. Your willingness to assist them in their journey to recovery will be greatly appreciated.

Plan for Their Return
Begin thinking about their return to work in advance. Discuss with them the possibility of a gradual return, flexible hours, or any accommodations they might need. A smooth transition back to work will help them feel supported and valued.

Supporting a team member on long-term sick leave requires a balance of compassion, empathy, and practicality. By maintaining communication, offering assistance, and planning for their return, you can help them feel connected and valued, ultimately contributing to their well-being and the overall cohesion of the team. Remember, your thoughtful actions can make a significant impact during a challenging time.

The HR Consultants can provide advice and guide you through these challenges should you require support. If you need help updating your current company policies & procedures, get in touch for a no obligation chat or a quote on the best fit services for you.