What Are The Most Important HR Policies & Procedures in 2024?

Nowadays it’s as crucial as ever to master key HR policies and procedures. This blog focuses on essential elements—employee handbooks, health and safety mandates, and employment laws—empowering you to craft an HR framework that underpins organisational excellence and employee welfare.

As the world is evolving, so are HR policies.

If you’d like to talk about how these changes might impact your business strategy, The HR Consultants are just a phone call away, and we’re always ready for a chat.

What is a Human Resources (HR) policy?

An HR policy acts as the blueprint for decision-making on workplace policies and sets the standards for employee behaviour and company expectations for employee conduct.

These guiding principles, often written down in an employee handbook, ensure compliance with employment law, health and safety regulations, and streamline HR policies and procedures.

The 4 C’s

The 4 C’s—competence, commitment, congruence, and cost-effectiveness—from the Harvard Business School are heralded as the foundation of effective HR policies.

The 4 C'S

Competence: makes sure employees are well-equipped to meet their job demands.

Commitment: employees understand and buy into the company’s vision.

Congruence: aligning the individual employee performance with the business goals.

Cost-effectiveness: the economic viability of the HR policy.

These tenets are integral for the formulation of HR policies that support the strategic objectives of a company but also how it runs.

What HR policies are required by Law?

When examining the complexities of Human Resources (HR) in 2024, it is paramount for organisations to align their HR strategies with the legal requirements that govern workplace conduct and employee welfare.

Among these, occupational health and safety policies stand out, mandated by employment legislation to ensure a safe working environment free from hazards. Similarly, policies addressing workplace violence are essential, reflecting legal stipulations designed to safeguard employees from physical and psychological harm.

Furthermore, the legal framework requires organisations to implement measures to their drug and alcohol policy to protect employees from the risks associated with drug and alcohol use in the workplace. These policies not only aim to promote employee well-being and safety but also to uphold the integrity and productivity of the workforce.

Adherence to Updated Employment Laws

Updated laws around health and safety policy might dictate more comprehensive risk assessments and the implementation of advanced safety protocols, tailored to the unique demands of various industries.

In a manufacturing setting, this could mean adopting cutting-edge equipment safety standards such as specific Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), whereas, in the tech industry, a focus on digital security and ergonomic practices might be more relevant.

As a result of the ever-changing legalities, it is important to consider the type of HR outsourcing you want to get, as only a Professional Employer Outsourcing (PEO) relationship will share the legal responsibilities with your company.


Table of Contents

1. Recruiting and Hiring Policies

2. Remote Work Policies

3. Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment

4. Workplace Health, Safety, and Wellness Policies

5. Leave Policies

6. Compensation and Benefits

7. Technology and Data Security

8. Resignation or Exit Policies


Essential HR Policies for 2024

In 2024, essential HR policies must embrace recruiting and hiring with equity, champion remote work flexibility, and enforce non-discrimination and anti-harassment to safeguard workplace safety. Prioritising health, wellness, comprehensive leave, and fair compensation is key. Additionally, integrating technology, alongside clear resignation and exit procedures, is crucial for a progressive, inclusive workplace.

The HR Consultants are ready to advise you on how to create and implement each of these policies. With our Retained HR Support, we can help create policies to suit your organisation.

1. Recruiting and Hiring Policies

2023 marked a significant advancement in the adoption of AI and technology within recruiting and hiring. Now we’re in 2024, the integration of such technologies will continue to revolutionise the way organisations approach their talent acquisition strategies, enabling a more efficient, unbiased, and comprehensive search for potential candidates.

Successful hiring software has become vital for businesses seeking to expand their talent pool while ensuring diversity and inclusion are at the forefront of their recruiting efforts.

One such tool is Workable:

“More than 27,000 companies trust Workable for recruitment. The platform has screened 160 million candidates, and facilitated 1.5+ million hires since launching in 2012.

The software has everything you need to manage the complete life cycle of recruitment. From the initial open position to evaluating the best possible candidates and onboarding them, Workable has it all.”

This shift towards technology-driven recruitment processes has not only streamlined operations but also enhanced the ability to connect with a wide array of talents from diverse backgrounds, contributing to a more inclusive workplace culture.

2. Remote Work Policies

As hybrid working becomes the norm rather than the exception, the role of HR policies and procedures in forging a productive and inclusive work environment cannot be overstated.

Such policies must address key aspects of remote work, including communication protocols, data security guidelines, and work-life balance principles. By doing so, they lay the foundation for a culture of trust and accountability, which is crucial for the success of any modern work arrangement.

Once more, the necessity of software is key in allowing remote work to thrive. Apps such as ActivTrak allow employers to check that work hours are used productively in a non-invasive manner, meaning that the scope for talent acquisition is not restricted to a commute away.

3. Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment

HR policies should outline clear and accessible procedures for reporting and addressing employee grievances related to discrimination or harassment. It’s paramount that employees feel supported and confident in the process, knowing that their concerns will be taken seriously and addressed promptly.

58% of women say they have experienced sexual harassment, bullying or verbal abuse at work

Given the dire nature of the situation, by establishing a transparent and effective grievance mechanism, companies can not only address issues as they arise but also deter sexual harassment and other discrimination. Emphasising the importance of maintaining a respectful workplace culture through regular training and communication about these policies can reinforce the organisation’s commitment to zero-tolerance guidelines.

Only such proactive and comprehensive HR strategies will meet employee expectations for an inclusive and harmonious work environment.

4. Workplace Health, Safety, and Wellness Policies

Well-defined HR expectations alongside robust company policies lay the foundation for a comprehensive approach to employee well-being. In this context, the collaboration with mental health charities such as CALM (Campaign Against Living Miserably) becomes instrumental.

CALM’s expertise in providing support and resources for mental health can guide companies in developing policies that not only adhere to health and safety standards but also proactively support mental wellness.

Such partnerships enable organisations to provide guidelines that extend beyond basic legal compliance, allowing for an environment where employee well-being is genuinely prioritised and supported through accessible resources and support systems.

5. Leave Policies

HR professionals are increasingly recognizing the importance of adapting to a variety of unscheduled or scheduled absences, ensuring that policies are both employee-friendly and aligned with organisational goals. Implementing HR policies that accommodate the diverse needs of employees while maintaining productivity is crucial for garnering a positive employment relationship.

Encouraging an open dialogue about leave and promoting a culture that values work-life balance can further strengthen the employment relationship, leading to higher levels of employee engagement and retention.

Ultimately, a well-thought-out approach to leave policies reflects an organisation’s commitment to its workforce’s well-being and adaptability to changing work environments.

6. Compensation and Benefits

Compensation and employee benefits are required to attract top talent, and are fundamental in achieving long-term loyalty. Fair pay, aligned with industry standards and reflective of an employee’s role and contributions, ensures a competitive edge in the job market. This is particularly evident during the current cost of living crisis in the UK where the majority of low-paid workers believe we are living in the worst financial crisis they can remember.

UK Inflation rate up to 2022

Moreover, tailoring benefits to meet the diverse needs of the workforce—from health insurance and retirement plans to flexible working arrangements and opportunities for career growth—demonstrates a commitment to employee welfare and development.

7. Technology and Data Security

The adoption of technology in HR processes not only streamlines operations but also necessitates stringent data security measures to safeguard sensitive personal and professional information. Many multinational corporations implement state-of-the-art HR software powered by AI.

These systems not only automated routine tasks but also introduced advanced encryption and access controls to protect employee data, significantly reducing the risk of breaches.

The success of this implementation showcases the dual benefits of efficiency and security, setting a benchmark for HR practices.

8. Resignation or Exit Policies

A well-structured exit policy, underpinned by leadership foresight and comprehensive HR planning, ensures a smooth transition for both the departing employee and the organisation. It encompasses clear guidelines on severance, redundancy procedures, and succession planning, thereby safeguarding the interests of all parties involved. This approach not only reflects a mature HR strategy but also reinforces the company’s reputation as a fair and respectful employer.

Conversely, the absence of a structured exit strategy leads to confusion and resentment among departing employees, who were left without adequate severance packages or clear communication regarding their exit. This lack of planning not only strained the employment relationship but also impacted the morale of the remaining staff, who observed the mishandling of their colleagues’ departures.

Final Thoughts

To sum up, the benefits of HR outsourcing are increasingly recognised in the strategic formulation of HR policies and procedures. By leveraging external expertise, companies can enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of their HR strategy, ensuring that their employee handbook and well-defined HR policies and procedures are not only compliant but also conducive to a positive working environment. This approach allows businesses to focus on their core operations while ensuring their HR practices are in capable hands.

Continuous Adaptation

HR policies and procedures must embody flexibility and adaptability. Utilising AI and cutting-edge software, HR professionals can offer actionable insights and resources for ongoing policy development and implementation, ensuring that HR procedures remain at the forefront of innovation.

This continuous adaptation empowers organisations to navigate the complexities of the modern workplace effectively, encouraging a dynamic and inclusive culture.

It is this drive for consistent evolution that makes the world of HR policies seem murky and confusing.

Get in touch with one of our experts today to improve your HR processes.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some common questions people have when they Google HR policies.

What are the 4 C’s of HR policies?

The 4 C’s of HR policies encapsulate the essence of effective, human resources policies and resource management: competence, commitment, congruence, and cost-effectiveness. These principles guide the development of HR strategies that harness a skilled and motivated workforce, align employee goals with organisational objectives, and ensure the efficient use of resources for sustainable growth.

What are HR strategies and policies?

HR strategies and human resource policies are comprehensive plans and principles that guide how a business manages its workforce. They encompass recruitment, development, retention, and compliance aspects, ensuring the organisation’s human capital contributes effectively towards achieving its goals. These strategies and policies are pivotal in fostering a supportive, productive, and compliant workplace environment.

What is an example of an HR policy?

An example of an HR policy is the ‘Remote Work Policy’, which outlines the guidelines for employees who work from locations outside the traditional office setting. This policy includes criteria for eligibility, expectations for productivity, communication protocols, and information security measures, ensuring both flexibility for employees and operational efficiency for the organisation.

How do you evaluate HR policies?

Evaluating HR policies involves assessing their alignment with organisational objectives, legal and regulatory compliance, effectiveness in addressing workplace needs, and impact on employee satisfaction and productivity. Regular review, feedback from staff, and benchmarking against industry standards are critical for ensuring policies remain relevant and contribute positively to the organisational culture and goals.