5 Reasons you need an HR consultant

5 Reasons You Need an HR Consultant in Your Life!

It’s the age-old question for small business owners – should I outsource my HR or do it myself? Outsourcing was once quite a taboo subject, but with the increased requirement to be more flexible, agile and efficient, outsourcing key parts of your business has become much more popular, with multi-conglomerate companies and Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) alike opting to outsource even the most specialised areas.

When It comes to HR, many companies choose to build their own team, but for start-ups and small businesses, it isn’t always practical to add a Human Resources professional to their payroll. Even for those who could, there are still plenty more benefits to outsourcing your HR rather than doing it yourself- Here are 5 reasons you should outsource your HR…

1. Win back your time

How much time do you spend every month on HR admin, googling employment law questions, cost reduction planning, hiring, absence and performance management? We’re willing to bet a lot- and that’s only a small selection of HR priorities.

It’s common for small business owners to start out handling their own HR tasks, but as business booms, teams grow and as does the need to have a professional handle the essential work of people management.

When you outsource your HR, you are claiming all that time spent on human resources back to focus on key business initiatives and strategy. At a time where efficiency is everything, having back a few hours a week makes a huge difference, and allows you to carry out your business-critical daily tasks with a clear headspace and far fewer headaches.

2. Be compliant

Perhaps one of the most important reasons to outsource your human resourcing is to ensure your business is compliant. Whilst you can start your business handling everything yourself, sooner or later you will need someone who can ensure that your business is in compliance with rapidly changing, complex and business-critical regulations.

Employment laws are complex – rarely black and white, and constantly changing, so by outsourcing your HR you make sure that you are ahead of the curve and avoid any nasty surprises. Whether it’s understanding your obligations in relation to maternity leave or new changes to pension laws, outsourcing your HR protects you from potential fines and lawsuits that have the potential to sink your business completely. That’s not even touching on the impact of having disgruntled employees.

3. Cost Effectiveness

One of the main reasons that Outsourcing your HR is often considered a luxury is the myth that it is more expensive. With our flexible pricing plans, that simply isn’t true! In fact, you can often save a substantial amount in overhead costs through the flexibility outsourcing offers, allowing you to expand or reduce your costs depending on your requirements.

If you weigh up the costs of hiring an in-house team with a couple HR professionals, outsourcing is often the most cost-effective method of covering your HR needs, especially for small businesses.

At The HR Consultants we offer a range of both retained and ‘no-strings’ packages to suit your specific needs, so you’ll never be paying for a service someone else has capacity to handle, or that you don’t really need or want. Check out our pricing structure blog here

4. Cover yourself against liability

Difficult conversations with employees are unfortunately a necessary part of business. Maybe it’s a case of poor performance or due to inappropriate conduct, when you hold those difficult conversations, you need a HR professional to be present to protect all involved.

Mishandling a termination can result in a wrongful termination legal battle, and even if you end up winning, the time, money and stress spent fighting, often simply isn’t worth it. Outsourcing to a HR expert means that they can handle the work before a difficult conversation, ensuring you are completely covered against any liabilities and providing legal advice, so it goes smoothly. The HR Consultants provide a complete grievance support service, giving you peace of mind all the way through the process, supporting or leading difficult conversations and conducting follow-ups depending on your requirements. Now that’s a load off your mind!

5. Greater Experience

It’s tempting to cut corners when you’re building a business, but when you really need expert advice on a highly specialised topic, outsourcing is one way you ensure that there are no gaps in knowledge. For small businesses, outsourcing is a great alternative altogether, but also as an interim measure if you plan to have a HR professional in-house, giving them time and confidence to work on the most important/less time-consuming areas.

It’s important to point out that outsourcing isn’t just for small businesses; when larger companies have their own HR team in place, outsourcing is still a great option to offer wider experience and objectivity on their practices. When your in-house team cannot be objective, having an outside perspective can really add another dimension to problem-solving, and realign them with the wider HR world.

At The HR Consultants, we have a team of consultants each with at least 10 years’ experience under their belt, in every industry imaginable – so you get the benefit of greater experience to support your company with fluctuating needs.

So, outsourcing your HR can save you time, money, stress and legal battles – we can’t think of any good reason not to. If you would like to discuss your HR needs and how The HR Consultants can help your business take off, schedule a call with us today for an informal, no-obligation chat.