How to handle a disgruntled ex-employee

Unfortunately, as an employer, you will, at some point, experience disgruntled ex-employees. I’m sad to say we’ve experienced this ourselves recently and it got me thinking about sharing some tips, as it’s been a pretty difficult experience for us.

There’s no doubt, that dealing with a disgruntled ex-employee can be challenging; we’ve had a barrage of sabotaging behaviour from an ex-employee, which at times has made me feel like doing a lot of things in retaliation! But, after some big deep breaths (and a glass of wine or two), I remembered, it’s important to handle the situation professionally.

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If you’re going through something similar, here are some steps you can take:

  • Remain calm and composed: It’s natural to feel upset or defensive when dealing with negative feedback or criticism, but it’s essential to remain calm and composed throughout the process. Responding in a professional manner will reflect positively on your company.
  • Listen and understand their concerns: Give the ex-employee an opportunity to express their grievances. Listen attentively and try to understand their perspective. Show empathy and validate their feelings, even if you don’t agree with their viewpoint. Demonstrating that you value their opinion can help defuse the situation.
  • Conduct an internal investigation: If the disgruntled ex-employee raises specific concerns or allegations, conduct an internal investigation to gather all relevant information. Ensure you follow your company’s policies and procedures during this process. Keep records of any findings or evidence that may be relevant to the ex-employee’s claims.
  • Respond professionally and promptly: Once you have gathered the necessary information, craft a thoughtful and professional response. Address their concerns directly, but avoid engaging in a heated argument or becoming defensive. Provide clear explanations or any necessary corrections, highlighting your commitment to fair treatment and addressing the issues raised.
  • Offer a resolution or next steps: Depending on the situation, consider offering a resolution or suggesting next steps to address the concerns. This could include setting up a meeting, involving a neutral third party, or providing additional information or resources. Be open to finding a mutually beneficial solution if possible.
  • Monitor and manage online reputation: In the digital age, negative comments or reviews can spread quickly. Keep an eye on online platforms where the disgruntled ex-employee might share their experiences. Respond professionally and politely, maintaining your commitment to resolving issues.
  • Seek legal advice if necessary: In some cases, the concerns raised by the ex-employee may have legal implications. If you’re uncertain about your rights and obligations or if the situation escalates, consult with a professional who specialises in employment law. They can provide guidance on how to navigate the situation legally and protect your company’s interests.

Remember, each situation may be unique, so tailor your approach accordingly. It’s important to prioritise professionalism, empathy, and fairness when dealing with a disgruntled ex-employee, as this can help preserve your company’s reputation and foster a positive work environment for all those people you value and who are doing a great job.

Shot of a group of young business people huddled together in solidarity in a modern office

If you need help with this or similar people challenges, then get in touch for a friendly, no-obligation chat.