5 Ways to make your team’s ‘Freedom Day’ extra special

5 Ways to Make Your Team’s ‘Freedom Day’ Extra Special

Let’s be frank: It’s been a hell of a year and a half. All around the UK, companies are beginning to indulge discussions of what normal will look like for their business when the long-awaited, hugely anticipated 21st June rolls around, suitably dubbed by many as ‘Freedom Day’.

While some companies such as Goldman Sachs plan to recall the workforce back into the office as soon as legally possible, others are considering how they can leverage the unprecedented occasion to engage their employees and show some much-needed appreciation and recognition of what their team and indeed, the whole world has been through over the last 18 months.

With the government cautiously optimistic that June 21st will see the erasure of all COVID-19 restrictions, it’s a great time to get thinking about how it can be ushered in in a memorable and beneficial way, after all, this is an unprecedented occasion that shouldn’t be missed! If you’re looking for some ideas on how to celebrate ‘Freedom Day’ with your team, we’ve rounded up some of the best below!

Give Colleagues the Day Off

With growing calls to make June 21st a Bank Holiday, there’s no reason why you can’t take matters into your own hands and give your colleagues an extra-long weekend to celebrate no more restrictions.

Whilst ‘Freedom Day’ falls on a Monday this year, telling colleagues to take an extra day to themselves to do all the things they’ve missed out on such as visiting and hugging their loved ones is a sure-fire way to acknowledge your team’s sacrifice and make them feel cared for.

What do I need to do about the extra Bank Holiday in 2022?

Take Your Team Out

No more restrictions means that restaurants, bars and pubs can serve freely indoors and out. Taking your team out for lunch or a quick drink used to be standard practice, so doing so to celebrate ‘Freedom Day’ is a great back to normal novelty and also gives teams that much missed informal interaction with colleagues that simply cannot be replicated virtually.

Whether you decide to take your colleagues for a drink after clocking out, finishing early to get a round in, or treating the whole team to lunch, it’s a good idea to book a spot now to avoid missing out.

Hold a Team Building Day

Every manager, team leader, and business owner worth their salt will be able to tell you about the importance of team building. Strong teams aren’t just hired, they’re built, and high-performing teams work well together to ensure the best results possible for your business.

The purpose of any team-building exercise is to build a stronger unit of employees and team members. Through the pandemic, the sense of belonging to a team has been reduced, so it’s a great opportunity to remind your employees they’re part of something bigger and get colleagues who may not have seen each other in person for over a year bonding again.

Throw a Company Party

Great PR, happy employees and clients – win, win, win! Hosting a company party and inviting your partners, investors and clients is a great way to signal you’re back to business as usual and still as strong as you were pre-pandemic.

You don’t have to go wild, just having balloons, decorations and a cake makes a gathering a party, but encouraging your team to step away from work for a day shows that your people are at the centre of your business – the only missing link in the last 18 months. It’s good to utilise birthdays, seasonal events and reward ceremonies too because these are also ways to improve your team and their relationships outside of working hours.

Hold a RAK day (Randoms Acts of Kindness)

One thing we’ve learned in the last year is the importance, impact and benefits of being kind on mental well-being. A kind word here, a small token of appreciation there can really make all the difference. Hosting a random acts of kindness day in the workplace on June 21st once again shows your commitment to having a happy workforce and encourages your team to begin reconnecting on a human level.

Let your employees know ahead of time to think of some random acts of kindness they can do for their colleagues and themselves – anything from writing a list of admirable traits in someone else, to bringing in some doughnuts for the whole office to share. Another great way to do this is to dedicate the day to charity and corporate responsibility activities – a real celebration and recognition of what’s important and reminding colleagues that have been struggling of all there is to be grateful for.

No matter how you’re planning on spending 21st June, it’s key to leverage the opportunity to welcome back and appreciate your colleagues however you can. Happy people on June 21st sets the tone for the rest of the year and the ‘new normal’, so make sure you start as you mean to go on.

Need some help coming up with a great people strategy? Speak to our HR Consultants today, we will be glad to help with your small business HR services. Send us a message via our contact form and we’ll be in touch to discuss how we can make your people the happiest they possibly can be.