What makes a great Employee Handbook?

We have all been the ‘New Guy’ at some point in our career history, where you spend the first week getting to grips with the new company, new colleagues and watching training video after training video. It can all feel a little overwhelming, in a new environment with so much new information buzzing around. So the last thing a new employee is going to want is to also have to read a dull 100-page black and white Word document employee handbook detailing the company’s policies and procedures -yawn.

Creating an Employee Handbook that includes snapshots of the company’s main policies and procedures with Key ‘need to know’ information can help a new employee get to grips with what is expected of them but not only that, it lets them know what they can expect in return. What you don’t want is a 100 page document full of bland blah blah blah that no one will pay attention to. So what makes a GREAT employee handbook?

  • A welcome message from the ‘head honcho’ can set a great first impression, it shows you care about your employees and it gives you the opportunity to talk more about your organisation and why it is great to work for you!
  • An employee handbook is a great place to talk about your company’s culture and values. Not only will that give your new employees an insight into what you value most and what is important to you as a company, but it also gives them the perspective they need to ease into their new environment and way of working by setting the tone for the culture of your workplace and what it’s like to work in the organisation.
  • Show off your brand! You’ve worked hard at creating your company brand and spent time on what you think that should look like. Having an engaging employee handbook that reflects your company’s brand and style can really give your employees confidence that they are working for an organisation that knows who they are and what they are.
  • Shout about the benefits and offerings that you provide. A new employee will want to impress you and prove why they were a good hire, so show them why they should be impressed to be hired by you! It has been proven that if you make your employees feel invested in, they will invest their time and hard work back into you and your company.

A great employee handbook will give comfort and reassurance to you as an employer that you have key documents in place for your people and that they will be read and understood. If you want to refresh yours, think about…

What is the first impression you want to make? What are the key things that you would like new employees to take away in that crucial first week of employment with you? Think back to when you were the ‘new guy’ and what could those companies could have done better to help you feel valued and help you understand their culture and values?

If you’d like help in bringing this all together to strengthen your people documentation and onboarding process, contact us, we’d love to help!

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